COVID-19 Policy

Drop Off & Pick Up:

Parents must drop and pick up their child from the car park. We will be using the main entrance for Studio 1 and the back door for Studio 2. Parents must see their child gets into the studio and be there to pick up again at class finish time. Parents or siblings will not be allowed to wait in the reception area. We do not have chairs available for sitting at this time. The changing room will remain closed until further notice, and only be used for trying on uniform.


Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures:

  • A staff member or volunteer will come to the entrance 10 minutes before the start of the class to greet the students. Please arrive 5 -10 minutes before start time.
  • Pupils must line up outside the building, socially distanced. Studio 1 at the front entrance, Studio 2 at the back fire door entrance.
  • The staff member or volunteer will see the pupils in, they will follow the government guidelines for social distancing.
  • Students must sanitise their hands before entering.
  • Pupils will leave the studio one at a time, assisted by a staff member or volunteer, from the same door they entered. The staff member will remain at the doors until pupils have been collected.



Masks are compulsory for parents/guardians entering the school, but not for pupils.


Hand Sanitiser:

Anyone entering the building must use hand sanitiser. There will also be sanitiser available inside the studio. Pupils are also welcome to bring their own.


Getting ready for class:

Please come as ready as possible, and only bring items that are necessary. Your uniform must be clean for each class. Please go to the toilet before you arrive to minimise the amount the toilet is used. When pupils enter the building they will find a chair in the reception. All chairs will be distanced. Bags can be placed under the chair and pupils can sit on their chair to put on their shoes for class. Chairs will be wiped down between classes. We cannot help with doing ballet buns, so please make sure hair is done neatly before arriving. If you would prefer your child to wear jazz shoes or dance socks for Jazz class these are now available to buy on the website.

Information for classes 6 years and under:

Parents can come into the building with their child, see them into the studio and then must leave and wait outside.


Studio Procedures:

In each studio there will be taped crosses or boxes for the dancers to stand in. Dancers will be spaced apart according to government guidelines. The pupils will still be able to travel around the studio, we will make sure social distancing is adhered to. Classes that will NOT be socially distanced are Blossom Ballerinas Level 1,2 & 3, RAD Pre-Primary, Mini Jazz and Mini Tap. These classes are in bubbles and we will use a track and trace procedure if needed. Minimal props will be used. You will be advised if you need to bring any of your own equipment (eg acro mats etc). Only toddler classes to bring teddies to class and we cannot give out class trophies during this time. Dancers will not share props or equipment during one class. Your own water bottle is allowed in the studio.


Class Sizes & Timetabling:

Our maximum numbers are 12 pupils in Studio 1 and 9 pupils in Studio 2. Our timetable will allow for safe changeover of classes.



All dance equipment, props, barres, toilets and all ‘touch points’ will be cleaned after each class.



We will not be taking cash. Payments must be made through the portal or by BACS.


Lost Property:

Any property left will be placed in the office away from other items for 72 hours. After that it will be placed in a box visible in reception. If you know you have left something, please wait 72 hours then collect from the box.


Trying on Uniform:

The changing room should be used for trying on uniform. Only one family at a time to be in. Please sanitise your hands before trying anything on.

Shoes – you MUST wear socks to try on. Shoes must be sprayed with disinfectant after trying.

Clothing – please get the item you wish to try and try it on in the changing room. Any items you have tried on please leave hanging on the changing room pegs. These will be cleaned. If your item has already been tried on by someone unfortunately you will need to wait until it has been cleaned.



Protecting others from Covid 19:

  • Pupils MUST NOT be sent to class if they show any symptoms of COVID 19. These include: A new, continuous cough, high temperature, or a loss or change to sense of smell or taste.
  • You must not come into class if you have been in contact with someone who has COVID 19 until your 14 day isolation period is over.
  • If you have been in contact with someone who has COVID 19, the school must be contacted immediately.
  • If a pupil takes ill during a class they will be isolated and the parent will be phoned to collect.
  • We go by the rules ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’ to ensure pupils safety.
  • If you need to stay at home but wish to access the class via Zoom, this can be arranged.

Unfortunately no refunds can be given for classes missed due to illness.



By signing your child up for dance lessons, you understand there is some inherent risk of being exposed to COVID-19. Additionally, you agree to absolve SB Ballet & Dance Studios of any liability related to the potential of contracting COVID-19.

By being part of SB Ballet & Dance you agree to work in partnership with the school to follow the above policies.

Thank you for your patience as we navigate this new protocol!